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which is more important being smart or beautiful

Jennifer Arnold
which is more important being smart or beautiful

In the battle of brains vs. beauty, which one takes the Gold? Well, it’s a question which can turn on a debate and still there won’t be an answer to it!

As King Midas to quench his love of Gold, let her daughter be a pillar of Gold. Which clearly states he lost her beautiful daughter by not acting smart enough.

Beauty fades easily, but smartness or intelligence can be lost a little longer. 

Intelligence, hands down, is more essential than beauty. Being Smart/Intelligence can inspire you to be a better person and tutor yourself about the world around you and how to make it a better place.

Intelligence is inner beauty, and it never fades. Intelligence is not all about gaining knowledge. It is recommended considering emotional intelligence, as it enables us to understand our own and other’s emotion. Beauty is important here. Don’t misinterpret here; because if you look nice, it boosts confidence in yourself.

On the contrary, beauty will never withstand compassion, and because without those two elements, our world would have no purpose.

Civilization is designed for people of average intelligence because they are the majority. Being attractive has its downsides, or so I hear. I assume attractive people have unwanted attention and more stalkers.

When we are smart, grace is reflected on our face. Both- Smartness and beautiful has its own values.

But the mind is more powerful if compared to beauty!

As already mentioned beauty is immortal and as we get older lots of real-life experience are faced as we learn about life more and more.

Jennifer Arnold
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