You’ve decided to build your own website, but what web development framework should you use? This can be difficult to figure out on your own. Luckily, many web development companies are ready to help you with this decision and can offer suggestions based on your business needs and goals. In addition, some of these companies will even create the site for you using their favorite framework or even work with you in selecting the best framework for your website’s specific features and functions.
#1: Small business owners without full-time developers
Most of your work will be done by a third-party web development company. If you have no internal IT support or full-time developers, then you'll need to hire a professional team from outside your organization to build, test and deploy your web apps. While there are many advantages to hiring web development services, remember that picking a good web dev company takes research and due diligence. Take time to evaluate each candidate with questions such as: what type of projects have they worked on in the past? What type of clients do they typically work with (i.e., SaaS/startups vs. Fortune 500 companies)? How well does their portfolio align with your project's goals?
#2: The best framework for your business depends on your needs
If you are working on a product that needs to be scalable, it makes sense to look at lightweight frameworks like those built with React. If your team already has significant experience with a particular framework, there’s no need to look further—stick with what you know and make updates along the way. Whatever framework you choose, make sure it will give your business an edge by allowing you to scale as needed. Be sure to hire web developers who can help mold your vision into a living, breathing product (and not just another website). Before deciding on anything specific though, talk about what's going on in your industry and outline your objectives; take some time with all options so you have time to do things right.
#3: What are web development frameworks, anyway?
Before we can decide which web development framework is best for our business, it's important to understand what a web development framework actually is. In general, web development frameworks are programs that are designed to streamline a specific process and make it easier. Web development frameworks, therefore, make it easier to develop websites. They do so by including pre-written code that developers can integrate into their own website; by making changes to one of these existing pieces of code, developers don't have to start from scratch and create something completely new--which would be time-consuming at best and impossible at worst.
#4: Which web development frameworks exist, and which do you need to know about?
There are dozens of web development frameworks, but some stand above all others. The most popular include: If you’re hiring a web development company, be sure to know what each framework is and what your options are when making decisions about your website. You can also take classes or read books on these frameworks if you’re unsure or want to learn more. Be wary of any web development companies that don’t understand at least one or two different frameworks; many small businesses make their own websites in-house and require knowledge in multiple languages. Always get references from any web development company before signing anything. Hiring an external web developer means taking control over something important—your business image—so do it right!
#5: Comparing web development frameworks – Go, PHP and Python
Three popular web development frameworks are Python, PHP and Go. All three offer their own benefits, so what’s most important to you? As a web development company, we want to provide our clients with customized solutions based on their needs. These are some of our thoughts about each framework and which would be best in different situations.
#6: Java as a web development framework
Java’s programming environment has one of the most sophisticated code libraries and tools available, which makes it a favorite among businesses with specific needs that involve complex algorithms. Its popularity and stability also means there are plenty of resources to choose from when hiring web developers with Java experience. Hiring web developers with Java experience can cost upwards of $140 per hour, but look at it as an investment in your business—and in developing staff that’s reliable and efficient at delivering solid results for your customers.
#7: React JS framework
Fast and flexible, React JS allows you to develop powerful web applications for mobile and desktop environments. It’s used by companies like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Imgur and Google. Like Angular 2, it supports TypeScript as well as ES6 JavaScript. Thanks to its unopinionated nature, it can be used with almost any kind of application structure: MVVM or MVC, server-side rendering or not.
#8: Ruby on Rails (Ruby) as a web development framework
Ruby on Rails, or simply Rails, has become one of the most popular web development frameworks available today. Its popularity stems from its ease of use and flexibility, which makes it a perfect choice for web startups that have yet to nail down their specific target market. By hiring Ruby on Rails developers, you’ll get access to a fully functional web-development framework with all of its core features but without being limited by any external factors.
Building an awesome web application does not happen overnight, and it takes some planning. When it comes to hiring web developers for your business, make sure you identify a framework and hire accordingly. A highly skilled team of developers can help you build a successful web app that will change your business in many ways.