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6 Pro Tips for Hiring Teams & New Recruits with Remote Interviews

6 Pro Tips for Hiring Teams & New Recruits with Remote Interviews

6 Pro Tips for Hiring Teams & New Recruits with Remote Interviews

Whether we like it or not, there is a huge disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in the world of human resources. For the hiring managers, the pandemic opened a pandora box. 

A series of lockdowns followed by a work from home (#WFH) mandate made it impossible to meet the candidates face-to-face and gather detailed information about their attitudes and behaviour. 

While remote interviewing became possible using technology, bigger problems emerged. Hiring teams today face the challenge of the changing expectations from the candidates who demand a raise on existing compensation & ask questions on the company’s Work from Home policies, flexible working hours, healthcare benefits. They seek a workplace culture that affiliates with their values and convenience. 

Yes, these are the realities of the modern-day workplace! How to manage the whole new world of hiring remotely, from attracting top talent, managing mass applications to finding candidates worth interviewing, and aligning the candidate’s expectations with the work culture?  

If you are struggling with these questions, this blog is for you! Here are the 5 pro tips for hiring teams to get the right talent for the job.

1 Modernise your interview process for evaluating remote workforce

With no more luxury of face-to-face meetings with the candidates, it is critical to establish the process of assessing applicants for the skills and competencies they need in a remote workplace. 

 2 Seeing is believing- schedule video interviews 

On-site interviews are a thing of the past. The best way to stimulate them is to invite the shortlisted candidates for having remote interviews through video. Why? Unlike a phone interview, a video is a tip for hiring teams to select the candidates’ non-verbal cues while answering questions. 

While the team is aware of the skills these candidates bring to the table, the way they explain it, their body language, gestures, and eye contact can make them stand out of the mountains of applicants you will evaluate.

Video cover letters are the latest trend and an interesting format for the hiring teams to shortlist recruits. It shows the candidate’s excitement about the opportunity to work for the company.

3 Create the right environment with the right tools for conducting remote interviews

This pro tip requires equal effort from hiring teams and the interviewed candidates. It reflects highly on the seriousness and effort of the interviewer. The candidate has put in when the remote interview takes place with no bandwidth issues and a quieter environment without the racket in the ambiance. 

While hiring teams can use video platforms such as Skype, Zoom, or Go-to-meeting to host the interview, dedicated remote interviewing tools like VidCruiter, or MyInterview offer additional functionalities for efficient recruiting like embedded evaluation forms and simple interview recording. 

Virtual interviews are happening now from both desktop and mobile phones. Also, make sure that the tools you integrate well with mobile devices.

4 Convey remote interviewing ‘etiquette.’

The experience of taking a remote interview should not be any less professional than taking the interview on office premises. Pro tips for hiring teams gives much attention to establishing etiquettes with a code of conduct in place for taking remote interviews, such as,

5 Work on hiring team composition 

Working remotely in teams is not easy – neither for the recruits nor for the manager and peers. Including the future hire’s immediate manager and a colleague in the final stages of the interview process can be advantageous. It would help everyone get acquainted before committing to work together in remote jobs. 

6 Highlight the Work Culture and Perks

Expectations from both the hiring teams and recruits have changed in the “new normal.” While higher salaries and great work culture are key ask while making a switch, the pandemic has made recruits look for flexibility to work from anywhere, inclusiveness, and fair compensation for remote employees.   

Highlight the training, paid leaves, healthcare benefits, diversity, and inclusion policies your company fosters as part of the work culture. Share the performance-based reward programs and virtual events the company hosts for its employees.

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