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How NEC UNIVERGE Blue Connect Helps WITH and FOR Microsoft Teams?

NECALL Voice & Data
How NEC UNIVERGE Blue Connect Helps WITH and FOR Microsoft Teams?

Have your employees been experiencing any communication gaps lately? And the communication platform in place is to blame for it? Well, you are not alone. Remote or isolated working scenarios have changed the way employees collaborated. Businesses all over the world have faced this problem during and in the aftermath of the pandemic. As many organisations are moving back to work, this problem needs to get fixed.

NEC UNIVERGE BLUE CONNECT is a fully integrated, cloud-based, and unified communication platform.It can be integrated with powerful voice, chat, video conferencing, and contact centre functionalities into everyday business applications. UNIVERGE BLUE CONNECT “with” Microsoft Teams is perfect for businesses that have a collaboration oriented around Microsoft Teams but also require advanced telephony features of an enterprise PBX.

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NECALL Voice & Data
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