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Can you imagine a successful IPL event without logistics?

Can you imagine a successful IPL event without logistics?

Imagine you are sitting with your friends in a stadium all geared up to cheer for your team and enjoy the match and suddenly there’s an announcement saying today’s match has been cancelled because the cricket balls were not able to reach the stadium. Such a scenario has never taken place due to the detailed planning of logistics management of IPL. (Source: CargoFL) Just like every segment, logistics management forms a crucial base in the sports arena too. It establishes the fact how effective management of logistics can actually translate into a seamless sports event. Any logistics service provider who has expertise in handling sports events can add great value to a successful sports event, including IPL.

Let’s try to understand in detail the role of logistics service providers in handling and managing sports events.

Timely delivery of resources - Putting the right resources in the right place at the right time is something that is done by a logistics expert. In order to render this job successfully, logistics service providers design a plan which emphasizes the transport concepts for either one-stop event or an entire tour with a lot of care and precision. Depending on the requirements, they decide the mode(s) of transport, provide packaging and warehousing services and offer venue logistics.

Hassle-free customs clearance formalities – When the sports logistics are delegated to a logistics service provider, they arrange for all the complex customs processes associated with sports equipment handling. Customs clearance otherwise could be a very complicated and cumbersome process. Just because the logistics service providers have the necessary knowledge and skills for handling the clearance process, they keep the essential documents ready to avoid the emergence of any issues. This helps the end user focus on their core competencies.

End to end freight transportation solutions – The logistics service provider ensures that the freight is picked up from the origin and delivered to the destination as per the committed timelines. The complete movement of the freight from end to end locations is taken care of by the service provider. Best end to end logistics services have solutions designed based on the nature and volume of freight to be transported. Sometimes timelines are also taken into account while designing the transport solutions.

Secure distribution methodologies – Every sports event demands the distribution of freight to happen securely and effectively. In order to ensure that this happens, the company handling logistics strategizes distribution methodologies and then aligns them with the respective workforce. This helps in an effective workflow resulting into a secure distribution. Furthermore, the logistics companies deploy technologies that provide complete visibility into the freight movement thereby multiplying the security factor.

Additional offering of forklifts, cranes, and transport staff – Based on requirements, the service provider also offers forklifts, cranes, and transport staff. The requirement ideally depends on the volume of goods to be lifted and demand of any specific skill set. Having said, the need for huge manpower is something that remains unchanged in IPL and all other sports events.

Logistics cater to a much wider scope apart from the ones discussed above. Not every logistics service provider handles every aspect of a sports event. While some only take care of the equipment handling and material resource movement to and from the venue, some companies go beyond that to managing the logistics of people too. However, it is quite legitimate to say that the role of logistics service provider is phenomenal in having a well managed sports event.

To know more: https://jeena.com/blog_read.php?slug=can-you-imagine-a-successful-ipl-event-without-logistics-

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