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How to Get or Provide Remote Telemedicine Services | Cholesterol Doctors

Cholesterol Doctors
How to Get or Provide Remote Telemedicine Services | Cholesterol Doctors

Telemedicine, also known as telehealth, allows doctors to provide healthcare to patients without them having a face-to-face meeting in the doctor’s office. Patients can avail of this service using an internet connection and their computers, smartphones, or tablets.

Some of the things that patients can use telemedicine for are as follows:

  • Talk about health concerns to the doctor through video or phone
  • Send and receive messages from the doctor 
  • Allow the doctor to remotely monitor the patient while they are at home

Types of Telehealth Services Doctors Offer

As a doctor, you should know that patients always want to find telemedicine services that offer a wide gamut of healthcare services. Using the right service provider, you can offer the following types of telemedicine services:

Asynchronous Telemedicine:

This refers to the communication that takes place between the doctor and patients or caregivers. Any communication is stored so that the doctor can refer to it in the future. Communication could be in the form of emails or text messages, lab results, and images. 

Synchronous Telemedicine:

This type of telehealth care occurs in real-time, wherein the patient can use video calls, audio calls, or text messages to communicate with the doctor and inform them about their health concerns, progress, or doubts.

Understanding the Benefits of Telemedicine

Today, more and more patients are opting for virtual doctor visits. While some patients may still require in-person visits to the doctor, here are some of the benefits they can enjoy:

  • Get access to healthcare without leaving home or work
  • Reduction in travel time as there is no commute to and from the doctor’s office
  • Reduce waiting time to get an appointment with the doctor
  • Get access to specialists even if they are not located in the patient’s hometown
  • Limit physical contact with other patients, and reduce exposure to COVID-19 and other contagious diseases
  • Avail prompt emergency telemedicine services if the need arises

Most doctors access and evaluate a patient before deciding that they are good candidates for telehealth services.

Visit to know more: https://cholesteroldoctors.com/blog/

Cholesterol Doctors
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