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Best general surgeon in Ambattur Chennai

Best general surgeon in Ambattur Chennai

General surgery is a medical science dealing with different abdominal contents like the bile ducts, the appendix, the gallbladder, the pancreas, liver, colon, small bowel, stomach, and esophagus. It also includes the thyroid glands. General surgery also deals with different diseases that affect hernias, peripheral vascular surgery, trauma, soft tissue, breast, as well as skin. Procedures like colonoscopy and gastroscopy are also included here. For this you need the best general surgeon in Ambattur Chennai.  


General surgery is one of the many fascinating disciplines that doctors can pursue due to the large number of general surgery jobs available at all times. If you are qualified as a general surgeon, you can work in almost any hospital where your degree is valid. General surgery is a very broad field. General surgeons cannot perform very complex surgery. This is the area of ​​highly specialized surgeons who operate the heart, brain, etc. Due to the huge demand for this service, finding a job for a general surgeon is very easy. Medical journals have numerous advertisements for these positions. Advertising is becoming more and more frequent on the Internet.


At KGJ Hospitals, we deal with a range of surgical ailments and emergency care services, led by Dr. J. Ashok Kumar, a leading General Surgeon in Ambattur Chennai offering high-quality surgery treatment. In addition to performing minor surgeries, our team of general surgeons performs complicated abdominal and trauma surgeries. Being an expert in Laparoscopic or keyhole surgery, we perform many general surgeries in a painless way successfully. The major general surgeries we perform- Trauma surgery, Breast surgery, Colorectal surgery, Vascular surgery, Endocrine surgery, Transplant surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Surgical oncology, Cardio thoracic surgery, Pediatric surgery, Bariatric surgery and Weight Loss Surgery.

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