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How Paid Blog Posts Can Hurt Your SEO

jack mathew
How Paid Blog Posts Can Hurt Your SEO

If you like business that demands SEO, you need to know that quality content is very important and the link is one of the most effective techniques to achieve a higher ranking. Experts on the website have concentrated more on writing and submission of press releases for some time now and with the introduction of Panda updates, some have switched to guest posts or blogging and acquires the link through it.

Determine guest posts

Guest post means writing and publishing original writing or blog posts on other sites. This is one of the best techniques of combining content, building links, and obtaining quality links from top ranking sites and blogs without the need to use unpleasant strategies such as paid links and reciprocal links that most search engines are not supportive. It is also effective in advertising your products or services and obtaining free marketing that will attract more clients to visit your pages and become customers who pay.

How do I do guest posts?

First, you need to research and create a site database and blog that allows submit a guest post free. Categorize them according to certain industrial and niche categories. If you cover certain keywords, look for blogs that rank high on them and will allow guest posts. This kind of site must be your priority.

As soon as you have made a database, start brainstorming concepts and things you can write and send it to the selected blog and site. Complete the list of topics and start contacting the possibility of webmasters. You must show your interest in sending guest posts for their pages in return for the link. Links are usually displayed in Bio Publisher. Send your sample article to the website owner so they can see how good your content is. After the post is published directly, post the link on your other social site account to make it viral and give some traction to them too.

Some experts will expect you to provide an accompanying photo to post too. Some owners will only allow certain topics to be posted so before making a post, propose topics and based on their replies and permits, continue.

Important reminders

Use original content. You must build a good reputation and relationship with other experts so they will continue to post content.

Content must educate.

Perform research correctly and increase your content with the image if necessary.

Content must be based on evidence and not just mere opinion.

Build good relationships with web experts and other clients.

Always reveal thanks to Webmasters after content posted and send regular contributions. Your goal is to build a community.

So what are you waiting for? Try an effective and natural SEO approach to create relationships and build relationships between fellow webmasters.

jack mathew
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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