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Dental Veneers: Procedure, Benefits and Cost

Rahul Kumar
Dental Veneers: Procedure, Benefits and Cost

What are Dental Veneers?

Well, dental veneers are custom-made shells of tooth-coloured materials which are specially designed to cover the front surface of teeth. This treatment improves the overall appearance of your teeth. 

Why are Dental Veneers used?

Dental veneers are used to fix discolored, broken and chipped teeth. They are also used to align misaligned, irregular and uneven shaped teeth. Veneers are also used to close the space between the teeth. These veneers also fix discoloured teeth because of root canal treatment, large resin fillings, excessive fluoride and many more.

Dental Veneer Procedure

The procedure of getting a dental veneer is usually completed in 3 trips- first for consultation and next second for application of the veneers. One or more teeth can undergo this process simultaneously. The following steps are a vital part of dental veneer procedure.  

1.) The dentist will take dental x-rays and intraoral photographs of your teeth.

2.) A traditional putty impression is used to create a mold of your teeth. 

3.) Your dentist will use a shade guide to choose natural color for your veneers. 

4.) Now the dentist will create a temporary veneer until your veneers are ready. 

5.) At your next visit, your dentist will fit and adjust the veneers until they are properly positioned. 

6.) After the final adjustment, the veneer is bonded to the front of teeth and excess cement is cleaned off. 

Dental Veneer Benefits

Veneers come with a number of advantages. They provide a natural tooth appearance. You will be happy to know that porcelain veneers are stain-resistant. These dental veneers give you the liberty to select a colour to make dark teeth appear whiter. The dentist in Noida will give you the treatment at the most affordable rates.

Why Niyama Care?

The experienced dental team at Niyama Care is committed to improving the dental health of the patients. Our core team brings over 70 years of combined professional experience in Delhi NCR. The team aims to guide and help patients maintain their long-term dental health. Teeth Veneer cost at Niyama Care is quite pocket friendly. We focus on punctuality, quality and regularity. Visit our website to know how we are simplifying dental care for all our patients.

Rahul Kumar
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