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Office cleaning Perth | Linclean Services

Office cleaning Perth | Linclean Services

Linclean Services has 25 years of experience in office cleaning in Perth. A cleaning schedule according to your needs. Efficient and reliable cleaners. Your complete satisfaction is our goal. At Linclean, we have 25 years of experience within the industry. We specialise in contract for general cleaning to different size of buildings, single or multi-level. Our aim is to go beyond customer expectations. We keep regular communication with the customer and Linclean hire the best cleaners to deliver an efficient service. Linclean Services also provide specialised jobs including carpet cleaning, window cleaning, tiles/grout and washrooms, hard floors strip and seals, timber floors, general super clean and medical grade cleaning.

The management of Linclean has over the last 25 years provided cleaning services to different sectors of the business community in Perth, namely – Mining, Architect, Medical, Accounting, Radiology, Commercial Real Estate, Religious Organisations, Employment Services, Government Services including Education and more.

All cleaners are interviewed and assessed for their efficiency and reliability before gaining employment with Linclean. We perform regular supervision to all sites including equipment check and testing. All employees are well informed about our OHS system.


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