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In a house, how would Vastu Dosha be corrected?

In a house, how would Vastu Dosha be corrected?

Nowadays, it is common for people to race and win. Positive energy and a supportive home/workplace are essential ingredients for a happy and successful life. Vastu plays a critical role here. Researchers in this area have established that a good environment and good vibration contribute significantly to the success of individuals, and although many people blame their stars for their dissatisfaction and unhappiness, there are other forces contributing to stress and poor health. When you violate Vastu principles, you gain these powers.

Do you live in a new place now? Or do you just stay in bed longer and have more problems? If you are planning to consult a house shastra specialist, you should know that some of the remedies they provide may mean major structural changes. To fix Vastu dosh, you can, however, place certain elements of the Vastu shastra in various locations at home.


Here are some Vastu remedies you can use to correct Vastu dosh in your home:




Horseshoes are considered lucky according to Vastu shastra of the house and attract wealth and luck. It will attract and contain all the good energy that passes through it if you hang it with the ends pointing upwards. Hang it above a large door. Hanging upturned may not bring good luck to your home.


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Vastu shastra has emphasized the importance of mirrors since ancient times. Vastu recommends placing mirrors in the right places to improve the overall atmosphere in the house. In general, you should never place mirrors opposite the main door and make sure that the mirror in the bedroom does not reflect the bed. The water you use to clean the floor can also be seasoned with sea salt. Replace the salt in your dishes daily.


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Sea salt is highly effective in Vastu shastra. The problem of Vastu dosh can be easily remedied by applying unsalted sea salt. It absorbs all the negative energy in a house. 


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Pyramid yantra is becoming increasingly popular among families as a Vastu solution. This is a miniature pyramid made from stone, metal, glass, or cardboard. An expert in Vastu Shastra for housing can guide you on how to use these pyramids. If you want to protect your home from harmful influences, you should place a pyramid at your front door.


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Most homes have wind chimes these days, and they should not be thought of as just a decorative item. Many people focus on the appearance and feel of the wind chime, but others think about the type of energy they want to attract to their home. Those suffering from Vastu dosh may benefit from using wind chimes with 6 or 8 empty rods, which will enhance good strength. The number of rods and the building materials for a wind chime are widely available.


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Vastu crystal balls can be used instead of pyramids, which look weird. Quartz crystal balls look very attractive when placed at home or in the office as they are made of clear quartz. They enhance energy, thoughts, or purpose when they are placed there. It is important to keep these crystals neat and clean at all times because they absorb all kinds of energy. Crystals come in different colors, like red for luck, pink for relationships, orange for money, etc.


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Vastu shastra says that other colors play a major role in inviting good energy into the home, and colors have always been a force for good in the home. Colors like pink, blue and blue are good choices for a living room and master bedroom, while yellow and orange are great choices for a child's room. You may want to simply change the color of the paint on the wall if you suffer from Vastu dosh.




A house becomes a home when you live in it with your family. Vastu shastra states that hanging family pictures in the living room can enhance strong relationships. Therefore, do not forget to hang fashion frames with your favorite family photos in your living room.


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According to Vastu principles, dark corners don't say no. Your home should be well lit throughout, but you should pay special attention to your main door, since it is the place from which good energy enters. Ensure your entrance is well-lit, and let the holy vibes flow into your lives.

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