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Neck Pain Treatment: What You Need To Know?

Total Spine & Brain
Neck Pain Treatment: What You Need To Know?

Neck pain is an extremely common condition. Whereas the pain may just be a result of overusing the neck muscles, it might also be a sign of a much more serious disease. If your discomfort radiates down your arms, you are unable to touch your chin to your chest, or you have numbness in your hands or arms, your condition may be more severe and should be assessed by the top Neck Pain Doctor.

Some neck pain may be caused by strain or overuse of neck muscles. Neck pain can result from prolonged computer use with bad posture. Continually squeezing the same muscles may cause persistent pain.

The neck joints can become worn and produce pain with age. These overuse traumas can cause osteoarthritis in the neck. Osteoarthritis causes stiffness and pain while moving the head.

Spinal problems may reduce the space available for nerves to sprout from the spinal cord. These issues can produce a pinched nerve with severe discomfort. Pinched nerves can be caused by compressed discs, bone spurs, or rigid discs.

Your neck aches may be due to an accident. The most common is pain caused by a car collision. When an automobile strikes, injury causes strain on the muscles as they attempt to keep the head in place. This injury commonly affects the neck soft tissues.

Neck ache can be caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Neck pain is the third most common location for rheumatoid arthritis pain. Rheumatoid arthritis patients may have chronic pain.

The lining of the brain and spinal cord swells in spinal meningitis. Stiffness and discomfort are common symptoms of this condition. Spinal meningitis is a dangerous condition.

Cancerous tumors rarely cause pain. Normally, cancer does not begin in the neck, but it can spread here from other parts of the body. Surgery or other treatment may be required.

An accurate diagnosis is critical to pain relief. Doctors employ x-rays, CT, and MRI scans. A spinal tap may also be performed to rule out meningitis.

Pain is managed by medicine and treatment. Steroid injections are among the drugs utilized. Neck immobilization, traction, or particular exercises can assist ease pain.

If you’re suffering persistent neck pain, you should make an appointment with an experienced Tampa Bay neurosurgeon at Total Spine & Brain Institute. He can ascertain the cause of the pain and prescribe a course of treatment. With the right assistance, you may not have to struggle with neck discomfort indefinitely.

Total Spine & Brain
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