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Why Should I Change to Google Analytics 4?

Richard Fernando
Why Should I Change to Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics is no jargon to any SEO expert. Yet, what this brand new Google Analytics 4 has to offer is the question of the hour. And, as per Google, this new update is self-described the next-generation approach to “privacy-first” tracking, x-channel measurement, AI-based predictive data, etc.

To explain it in simple terms the new analytics aims at furnishing data for generating website traffic and user behavior by employing Google’s advanced machine learning models and eliminating the dependency of receiving ‘clicks’ from every page.

Google Analytics 4 was released in 2019 and is built on the same platform for the “App + Web” system. The novel version of Analytics mainly focuses on cross-channel data, that is it paves way for marketers to track users across apps, software, and a website with ease.

This is being achieved by shifting the focus from how data is presented to users and keeping up with the user journey from their first visit to a website until final conversion. 

Finally!! The dream of every digital marketer has come true. 

The search for insights to enhance the business and the process of formulating a better marketing decision is about to get eased with the advent of Google Analytics 4.

Fingers Crossed! The astounding flip from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 is scheduled for July 1, 2023.  

So, does this huge update make you wonder will it affect your business or not? Are you puzzled and couldn’t make out what has changed and what you should prioritize?

If so, then check out this blog, An introduction to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) - The Beginner’s Guide to get a glimpse of What this Google Analytics 4 is all about!

Richard Fernando
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