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What is QuickBooks Error the File Exists? Why and How to Fix it

Emily Taylor
What is QuickBooks Error the File Exists? Why and How to Fix it

QuickBooks Error The File Exists” can occur because the corporate file is being read incorrectly. This error is extremely prominent with users who work with multiple company files without delay. Users have reported that looking forward to traditional methods doesn’t solve the difficulty. Further, an inability to access the corporate file can result in loss of labor. For additional information, you can visit this short blog. Dial this toll-free number +1-800-579-9430 if you require any technical support or help.

While opening the two different company files in QuickBooks, users sometimes get a QuickBooks error the file exists. The error shows up on the screen with a message displaying, “The file you specified cannot be opened. Make sure that is not currently being used by another program or a read-only file.” The error appears while doing various operations like paying scheduled liabilities, downloading payroll updates, and many more. If you are also struggling with the QuickBooks Windows error the file exists, follow the complete blog to know what prompts the error and how to fix it.

These were the most effective troubleshooting solutions to resolve the QuickBooks error the file exists. Hopefully, they will work for you to fix the issue. If the problem continues even after following them, get assistance from certified QuickBooks professionals by dialing +1-800-579-9430.

Emily Taylor
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