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Mind Specialist Doctor in Meerut

Mind Specialist Doctor in Meerut

Mind Specialist Doctor in Meerut - Dr. Kashika Jain

Dr Kashika Jain- Mind Specialist Doctor in Meerut

• She provides help for the people of all age including adults, children & adolescents.

• She is an amazing person with lots of skill in her field. She has vast Knowledge and Experience in her work to cure patient.

• Now-a-days we can see that it's hard to have any treatment without medicine but this is one of the speciality of Dr. Kashika Jain that she can make you completely cured even without medicine by using counselling and psycho therapy approach.

Mode of Treatment

She does the assessment of the client and find their problem and give them the treatment in different ways that includes counselling, psychotherapy and through various other mode.


• It can help people to deal with many personal problems that take place in their day to day life like anger, depression, anxiety, marriage issues, relationship challenges, abusing, school difficulties, business pressure, parenting problems, career related issues and many more things.

• Counselling is of many type, like individual counselling, parenting counselling, family counselling, counselling related to education and mental health counselling.

• Counselling help people to express their feelings, fear, belief, emotions and their problems to overcome from it as soon as possible.


• Psychotherapy is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties.

• Psychotherapy can help people to eliminate or control their troubling symptoms so the person can function better and can increase well-being and healing.


• They are designed to measure an individual's suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude or cognitive abilities.

• Psychometric test also helps to measure individuals' mental capabilities and behavioural style.

• According to psychologist happy people are less likely to feel mental stress as compared to others people. all over mind specialist doctor in Meerut plays an important role in building up a society free from depression, stress and anxiety and full of happiness and joy.

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