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How to Spot the Best Hackers Online

Abhishek Kashyap

They can help protect your privacy by breaking into your account or posting derogatory comments. And if you are not comfortable posting on social media, email hacking is an excellent option. Hackers can hack your email accounts to get your passwords or send you sensitive information.

Another hacking organization is the Equation Group. This group is notorious for hoarding exploits on computers. Although they were believed to have been behind the Stuxnet virus that crippled Iran's nuclear program, most of their work was benign. In August 2016, the Shadow Brokers auctioned the tools of Equation Group members. EternalBlue was one of their tools. EternalRomance had many other exploits. The Wannacry ransomware attack was facilitated by their tools.

Although ethical hackers are easily found online, it is essential that you understand the basics of ethical hacking. This is very different from black hat hackers, who aim to harm people or use their skills to benefit themselves. Although hackers can self-describe themselves as "geeks" with good intentions and have great intentions, the majority of them are black-hat hackers. The difference between them is that they employ ethical hacking techniques in their hacks.


Abhishek Kashyap
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