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comfortable riding boots

ab kinger
comfortable riding boots

Comfortable Motorbike Riding Boots

Motorcycle riding boots are combat boot styling Velcro fastened Smooth leather finish Leather tongue Lightweight PU Sole Highest grade abrasion-resistant leather.

Riding boots upper is made of water-resistant and breathable leather and fabrics. Anti-fungal latex In-socks — to keep feet cool & dry on long rides.

Safe riding boots material is attached on the rear side to enhance visibility in dim/dark areas. Steel toe protection against injuries caused by heavy/hard object impact or vehicle run-over.Anti-slip sole which minimizes chances of injuries in slippery areas.

Motorcycling Boots upper made of water-resistant and breathable leather and fabrics. Anti-fungal latex In-socks — to keep feet cool & dry on long rides. Well-designed flex point makes it comfortable to walk & provides support to feet at odd positions.

ab kinger
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