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How much would it cost to make Uber Like Apps ?


It should be clear that the cost of making an Uber Like Apps depends on many things.But building an MVP for the mobile interfaces is the first step in making a taxi app .When building for Android and iOS at the same time, the native experiences should come from the parallel development work.

To keep track of the most important operations, there is an admin that works as both a CRM and a dashboard.

The whole model is connected by APIs that run on the central databases and control logic. Part of the backend framework is always up and running in the cloud.Keeping all of these things in mind, the cost of making a taxi app for a mobile phone varies because different people have different needs and follow different rules.

Let's say that making a platform that can handle between 500 and 1000 transactions a day will take between 450 and 600 hours.

Not only that, but the whole ballpark figure also depends on other things, such as;

How many platforms MVP is released on

How hard it is to build the business model. For example, using a referral code, using social media to book a taxi, offering competitive prices, and so on.

The region or country where the app is being made is a big factor in the hourly rates.

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