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Remote Energy Healing: How It Works What the Science Says

Distance energy healing
Remote Energy Healing: How It Works What the Science Says

While most people associate illness with an infection, injury or disease, in reality the overall health of a person also depends on the mental condition of a person. It is observed that individuals who are stressed, depressed, worried, unhappy are more likely to fall ill and take a longer time to recover compared to those who are happy. The immune system of a person, healing is adversely affected by stress and other negative factors. Distance Healing or Remote Energy Healing is an alternative healing technique or therapy, which allows a patient to be healed remotely receiving energy and treatment from the healer remotely.

How it works

Typically, the person seeking help and the practitioner are doing the reiki healing in the same room. However, due to the pandemic, many people are avoiding direct contact with others since they may get infected with different infectious diseases which are airborne. This has made remote healing popular since the recipient and the practitioner are far away, preventing any new infection which could he could get due to personal interaction. Additionally the receiver does not have to travel and he can be treated by the best practitioner who may living in another state or country.

Distance energy healing
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