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How to set up a VPN on your iPhone or Android

Smarters VPN
How to set up a VPN on your iPhone or Android

If you’re serious about security and privacy, then you need to set up a mobile VPN, also known as a VPN for iPhone or VPN for Android. The simplest way to get started with a VPN is to install it on your Device or to use the built-in VPN feature in your operating system (available on most Macs and on all iOS devices). This guide will show you how to set up a VPN on an iPhone or Android device.

Setting up a VPN on your phone is simple. There are a couple of ways to do this. The first and most straightforward option is to:

  1. Purchase a VPN app in the Apple store or the Google Play store and download the app
  2. Follow the setup instructions. Generally, these applications are easy to set up, even for the novice. And they’re easy to maintain, since you can set up and save preferences. Smarters VPN offers apps for both Android and iOS mobile devices that are available in various languages and offer 256-bit bank grade encryption and are built on the strong OpenVPN and OpenSSL protocols.

Smarters VPN is a leading VPN service provider which helps you with the best VPN services for iPhone, Android, windows and mac etc. Here you will also get 100% no-usage-logs policy, kill switch, top class protocols and 24*7 live support etc. To examine their services you can try their 7 day free trial. 

Smarters VPN
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