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6 Reasons Why you Should Start Playing Paintball

6 Reasons Why you Should Start Playing Paintball

Let’s face it, nowadays - with the invention of social media and uber eats - and the never-ending content generation from Spotify and Netflix, there are a million and one reasons why people want to stay inside the comfort of their own homes.

But it’s time to get out there, breakthrough those comfort zones and experience something new and exciting. One activity that gets the heart pumping and the adrenaline flying is paintball.

Here are 6 reasons to get out there and start paintballing!

1. Nature and Fresh Air

One of the best reasons for playing paintball is that it gives people a reason to spend time outdoors in nature. Let your mind and body breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the elements, while ducking and diving in and out of the obstacles to avoid getting hit.

2. Good Exercise

As mentioned previously, there are now more and more reasons for people to sit inside and consume online entertainment. Why waste your fitness and youth being lazy on the couch when you could be putting it to the test?

Stretching your physical capabilities, and proving to yourself your strength, agility, and speed on the paintball field is a great way to get fit. You’re more than an online character - get out there and put your heart and lungs to good use! The added serotonin from exercising is the icing on the cake!

3. Social Activity

There’s nothing like supporting one another while being shot at. Playing paintball is a great way to communicate and chat with your friends as you plan tactics and who to take down next. You and your colleagues will be talking about it for months after, whether it’s from a birthday, with work, or even just trying something new on the weekend.

Stop waiting on a 3-day response time from your mates on Snapchat and call them up. Give yourselves a reason to get out there and make real-life memories!

4. Take your kids

With the invention of Fortnite and YouTube, there are a large number of kids nowadays glued to their screens. Kids have way too much energy to waste on a game controller.

Give your kids a reason to leave their vampire dens and take them paintballing! Places like The Paintball Park Kidderminster have now introduced game modes that are suitable for children aged 8 and up, with smaller and lighter paint pellets, and less aggressive game modes to make it fun for the whole family… no matter what your age!

5. Competitive (adrenaline, strategy, something to aim towards)

Stop throwing the controller because FIFA has gotten you into an uncontrollable rage. It’s unhealthy bro. Channel that testosterone and competitive energy into something where it’d be useful!

Paintball has become hugely popular with a younger demographic, with a variety of competitive leagues now available to enter into - should you think yourself a worthy player. Even locally, there can be matches as large as 500 people! Become the best. We believe in you.

 6. Learn new skills (aim, stealth, strategy, determination, resilience, awareness).

Yes, classic Call-Of-Duty improves your hand-eye coordination. But if you want to take that to the next level, playing paintball is the way to go.

Paintball can simultaneously improve your:

Aim skills



Tactical strategy


Not only does the game improve your physical capabilities, but it develops a person’s intrinsic abilities - such as determination and mental resilience when faced with complex and difficult challenges or unique game modes.

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