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What is The Role of a Product Manager?

Viraj Yadav

If you're in charge of making sure that a product, product lifecycle or feature fulfills a customer's requirement, you're also in charge of making sure that it accomplishes the bigger goals of the company. I've gained a thorough grasp of what it takes to be a product manager after ten years of studying the trade. Coding courses will help you to enhance your skills.

Because of the newness of the position, there is some misunderstanding about what a product manager does product managers are still defining what their role should be, as opposed to more established crafts like design and engineering, and have little understanding of where practitioners can specialize.

The function of a product manager is summarized by a Venn diagram made by ProductTank inventor and product leader extraordinaire Martin Eriksson. Back in the day, Opsware's Ben Horowitz called the product manager the "CEO of the product."

Both Eriksson and Horowitz, although not necessarily with how their definitions are construed. People view Eriksson’s graphic and assume that product managers manage the product amongst the three disciplines (UX, technology, and business) (UX, technology, and business). Really, however, he's saying product managers need to balance all three demands and make hard choices and trade-offs. People hear Horowitz’s comparison and believe product managers have some sort of unique authority. They don’t. But, like a CEO, product managers establish the objectives, define success, assist encourage teams, and are accountable for the output.

Product Manager Responsibilities

Depending on the organization's size, specific roles may differ. Larger companies, for example, have product managers integrated in teams of experts. Researchers, analysts, and marketers assist in collecting information, while developers and designers run the show on a daily basis, create designs, put prototypes through their paces, and hunt for faults. A lot of effort is spent by these product managers trying to get all the stakeholders on the same page.

  • Smaller companies, on the other hand, have product managers who spend less time securing consensus and more time executing on a vision and seeing it through to completion. The majority of time spent by a skilled product manager will be spent on a small number of tasks.
  • Identifying and addressing the concerns of the target audience.
  • Keeping tabs on the competition and doing market research.
  • Creating a clear picture of what you want your product to be.
  • Getting everyone on board with the product's vision.
  • Features and capabilities are prioritized.
  • Developing a collective brain across bigger groups in order to enable more autonomous decision-making.


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Practices and Tips for Being a Great Product Manager

One of the most fascinating features of the product management position is that there isn't just one way to accomplish it. The craft's popularity and method have grown exponentially in the previous two decades. There is still a lot of confusion among product managers about what they are and what they can do.

Prioritize Ruthlessly: In a recent conversation, a coworker equated product management to a job in politics. It won't be long until we see it. Both the product manager and the politician are provided with a certain number of resources.

Know the Lay of the Land: Product managers must be well-versed in their environment. It's rare for them to start from scratch. Product managers are often thrust into initiatives that are already popular. They'll make terrible decisions if they act without fully comprehending the circumstance.

Empower Your Team to Make their Own Decisions: Product managers can't always make choices. You can trust me. I did my best. My email is almost always filled at night. My calendar is crowded. Also, I can answer questions all day and yet not complete them.

Learn to Influence Without Authority: Influence is everywhere. The first step is to listen and learn. The next stage is to persuade others. Even without facts to back up your arguments, a good story will get you far.

Develop a Thick Skin: People will always be dissatisfied when they have to make trade-offs. Make the proper choices first, and then explain why you made those compromises. There are several online coding courses which are available. You can opt for them to get a better understanding on this topic.

Viraj Yadav
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