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What Is Emirates Cancellation Policy

Ari Garcia
What Is Emirates Cancellation Policy

If you are planning to cancel your booked flight reservation with the Emirates so it can possible, you must be aware of the cancellation procedure & Emirates cancellation policy. Let's see, how to cancel an Emirates flight ticket using different-different ways.

Ways to cancel the reservation in Emirates:

Any traveler can cancel their booking without any cancellation charges using various ways. The cancellation of the ticket should be within 24 hours from the booking otherwise the ticket will cancel but the cancellation charges will be applicable.

Way 1: Cancellation using the Emirates website:

  • Firstly, visit the official website of the Emirates via any web browser.
  • Then, tap on the ‘Log-in’ option and enter your credentials.
  • After then, click on the ‘Manage My Booking’ option from the homepage of the website.
  • If you are already login so just press the ‘Search’ button, otherwise, enter the ‘Booking ID’ and ‘First & last name’ of the traveler.
  • Select your booking and click on the ‘Cancel the flight’ button.
  • Finally, review your entire booking and re-confirm the cancellation.
  • Get the acknowledgment of the cancellation on the registered email address or mobile number.

Way 2: Cancellation directly from the airport:

As per the Emirates cancellation policy, travelers can cancel their booking directly from the Emirates booking counter at the airport. Just, visit the nearby Emirates booking counter and raise the request for the cancellation.

Way 3: Cancellation via travel agent:

This is a very convenient & easiest way to cancel an Emirates flight ticket anytime from anywhere. Just dial the Emirates customer service number and share your booking details with the travel agent and get complete assistance for the cancellation.

Ari Garcia
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