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Best online yoga teacher training

Best online yoga teacher training

Start your journey today to becoming a certified yoga teacher with our online yoga certification programs. Online Yoga School has been offering online yoga teacher certification options long before the pandemic and we have certified thousands of teachers internationally. Join our international community of yoga teachers and enjoy the connection and Sangha that our school offers.


You can earn your yoga certification online while working at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home. We offer optional live zoom sessions so that you can get individualized instruction and attention from our trainers while enjoying the support of other trainees. You have the opportunity to practice teaching yoga on our live sessions and to join in our study groups that are led by one of our trainers. In addition to the weekly zoom sessions, we offer live Q&A sessions to answer any questions you may have about the program and support you throughout your journey.

Spend time reflecting on what you want and need. What would the best yoga teacher training in the world look like for you. What truly resonates and speaks to you deep within yourself? Take time meditating, practicing, even talking it out with teachers and friends. In the end, yoga teacher training is an incredible experience. It’s (usually) well worth the investment and you won’t regret it.

If you want to go the digital, try to find the best online yoga teacher training that you can afford.

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