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Where Augmented Reality in Healthcare stands for?

Ben Wood
Where Augmented Reality in Healthcare stands for?

Augmented Reality in Healthcare has enormous potential. Healthcare can be made more affordable and accessible to millions of people by leveraging technology. The technology has the potential to address issues such as health awareness, disease outbreak and prevention, diagnosis, medical equipment maintenance and training, treatment and therapy planning, patient monitoring, lifestyle improvement, and patient care. These technologies may one day be used to support and care for battlefield patients, as well as road rage incidents. First responders on the ground may be able to assist the patient in the first few critical moments by performing HCP guided first-aid treatment, potentially saving many lives. The use of head mounted displays allows doctors to keep their eyes on the patient while seeing images of ultrasound and other health monitoring parameters displayed on an array of screens from multiple monitoring devices. In the future, it may be possible to eliminate the screens on individual devices and provide an integrated view of the patient from the head mounted headgear.

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Ben Wood
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