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Australia Work Visa

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Australia Work Visa

Australia, as one of the world's most diversified countries, requires talented workers. Because of its lifestyle and good employment prospects, many international students choose to live and work on the Australian subcontinent. Assume you're an Indian who wants to work in Australia. If that's the case, you should take advantage of this opportunity and apply for an Australian work visa. This blog is for you if you don't know where to start. It covers all you need to know about Australian work visas, including categories, fees, and how to apply. So, if you're also curious, keep reading. In this blog, we will discuss work visa for Australia. So, let’s get started.

Types of Australia Work Visa

  • Employer Nomination Scheme Visa.
  • Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa.
  • Skilled Independent Visa.
  • Skilled Nominated Visa.
  • Temporary Skill Shortage Visa.
  • Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa.
  • Temporary Work Visa Australia. (Short Stay Specialist)
  • Temporary Work (International Relations) Visa.
  • Distinguished Talent Visa.

Employer Nomination Scheme Visa

You can live and work in Australia if you have this visa, but you must be sponsored or nominated by the employer who wants to hire you. To be eligible for this visa, you must have the necessary abilities, certifications, and work experience in the nominated occupation, as well as be nominated in one of the combined qualified skilled occupations.

Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa

If you have relevant work experience with the prior employer, have an eligible work visa, and are looking for the same boss again, you can apply for this visa.

Skilled Independent Visa

The Skilled Independent Visa allows you to stay in Australia indefinitely. It is, however, a points-based visa, and you must have at least 65 points to qualify.

Skilled Nominated Visa

It is another permanent visa for which you must be asked to apply. You must meet the qualifying points criterion to receive a Subclass 190 visa invitation.

Temporary Skill Shortage Visa

You can apply for the Subclass 482 Visa if you have the skills required to fill a temporary skills vacancy for an Australian firm. It is a temporary visa that permits you to live and work in Australia for up to four years if you are sponsored by an approved Australian business. To be eligible for the selected employment in Australia, you must also have suitable professional skills or work experience.

Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa

This provisional visa allows you to stay and work in Australia for five years. You must work in the specified occupation and for the sponsoring organisation or its connected entity in an Australian regional area to be eligible. It also provides you with a number of perks, including a Subclass 191 Permanent Residency Visa track.

Temporary Work Visa Australia

You can stay in Australia for up to 3 months (if and where required) or up to 6 months, but only in limited or extraordinary circumstances. If your Subclass 400 Visa application is approved, the visa officer will determine whether you will be granted a six-month or three-month visa.

Australia Work Permit Visa Rules

  • You can stay in Australia and work until your visa expires.
  • When your visa expires, you must depart Australia.
  • This visa can be renewed or extended.
  • As long as your visa is valid, you can travel in and out of the Australian subcontinent.
  • Assume it's a temporary or regional visa. In that situation, you will be unable to leave the location where you work for the duration of the visa.

Australia Work Visa: Fees

The fees for obtaining a work visa in Australia fluctuate on a regular basis. The cost of a work visa, on the other hand, is normally determined by the date officials receive your application.

For your convenience, we have provided an estimate of the work visa fees in Australian dollars.

  • Employer Nomination Scheme Visa: 4045.
  • Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa: 4045.
  • Skilled Independent Visa: 4045.
  • Temporary Skill Shortage Visa: 4045.
  • Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa: 4045.
  • Temporary Work Visa Australia (Short Stay Specialist): 310.
  • Temporary Work Visa Australia (International Relations): 310.
  • Distinguished Talent Visa: 4110.
  • Temporary Skill Shortage Visa: 1265 (short-term), and 2645 (medium-term).
  • Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (Extended Stay Pathway): 360.

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