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Workflow Optimization: The Ultimate Guide to Process Improvement

Abhi kokitkar
Workflow Optimization: The Ultimate Guide to Process Improvement

Workflow optimization is streamlining your existing workflow to make a process faster, cheaper, smoother, and more efficient. An optimized workflow increases an organization’s success and utilizes resources more effectively.

Your workflow is a list of your most essential tasks that you work through one by one. It’s a list of your recurring processes. If you’re still using paper, you probably refer to this process as your daily checklist.

Workflow optimization is all about determining which tasks in a process are most crucial for success. How can the process be improved, which tasks can be eliminated without impacting final output, and how can documentation be made clearer?

Oh, and that technical, yet easy, process I mentioned at the beginning?

To explain, cleaning milkshake machines was a labor-light process back in the day. However, you needed a good memory to do it right. Making a mistake was very costly. I remember a McDonald’s manager once did it wrong and it resulted in the machine freezing solid.

I’ll explain how I optimized cleaning the milkshake machine using the 5 step process:

  1. State your outcomes clearly: It was an easy job and more leisurely than cleaning grease traps. My outcome was to learn how to disassemble the milkshake machine.
  2. Reconfirm the process is required to achieve outcomes: The machine had to be taken apart and put back together. No shortcuts with the job, unfortunately.
  3. Simplify or optimize: Certain machine parts could be taken off and serviced while the store was still open – a definite time-saver.
  4. Reduce run completion time: An empty milkshake machine is easy to clean, but not good for your waistline.
  5. Automate: This was done old school by placing the parts in a particular order in a container. Not high-tech, but it reduced the usual completion time of the job.

Please let us know about your experiences with our free demo in the comments box below. We’d also like to hear your thoughts about our 5 step process!

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Abhi kokitkar
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