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Certified Ethical Hacker Certification

Certified Ethical Hacker Certification

The certified ethical hacker certification offered by the EC Council validates your knowledge of bypassing an organization’s security protections by accessing networks, applications, databases, and other critical data through security holes. Certified ethical hacker certification helps penetration testers achieve their dream jobs by ensuring that their skills meet industry standards. CEH certification helps you gauge your experience as an ethical hacker and shows you as a legitimate candidate for various roles in cybersecurity.

To become a certified ethical hacker, you must pass the CEH exam, which consists of a total of 125 multiple-choice questions. You have a four-hour time limit for the exam. EC-Council maintains the integrity of certification exams by providing them as various question banks.

Benefits of CEH v11 Certification:

  • You'll learn to use real hacking tools.
  • Advance your security career.
  • Improve your knowledge of risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Learn how to think like a hacker.
  • The CEH will boost your salary.

 This training provides you with the knowledge and skills necessary to strengthen security controls and protect organizations by minimizing the risk of malicious attacks. CEH training incorporates a systematic approach across each ethical hacking domain and requires a hands-on environment to enable you to justify the CEH credential and perform the job of an ethical hacker efficiently.


Address: 3163 Loma Verde Drive, 

Unit 10, San Jose, CA 95117

Email: training.us@vinsys.com

Location: https://bit.ly/3vpXAko

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