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Best Practices for Real Estate Cybersecurity

Jay Mart
Best Practices for Real Estate Cybersecurity

Threats to cybersecurity are growing rapidly with the development of online businesses, and real estate organizations are not out of hackers’ attention. Cybercriminals can target multiple data items and objects that organizations store such as clients' personal data, corporate financial information or intellectual property. The IT infrastructure itself can also be a target of ransomware attacks.

The best practices to enhance real estate organizations’ protection include:

  • Employee education - a team member who knows about online threats expecting them is less likely to hit that malicious banner or open a phishing email;
  • Regular backups - in case of a ransomware attack, it is crucial to have recent backups of all the organization’s data;
  • Restrict access - by implementing the principle of least privilege, real estate organizations can make sure that only those who need access to certain data have it;
  • Encryption - both at rest and in transit, encryption should be used to protect Real Estate companies' data.
  • In order to keep the Real Estate business running smoothly and securely, it is important to implement these best practices. By doing so, Real Estate organizations can avoid becoming a victim of a cyberattack.
  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Real Estate businesses must take their cybersecurity seriously and put in the phishing link.
  • Cybersecurity audit - a regular review of the organization’s security structure along with risk and vulnerability assessment.
  • Data backup and recovery - an established automated process of data backup and recovery is a way to avoid data loss and minimize production downtime.
  • Ransomware protection - a separate crucial point to consider when building or updating the commercial real estate cybersecurity system.
  • Network segmentation - internal digital barriers add resilience and pose additional challenges for every hacker that manages to bypass the organization’s external cybersecurity layers.

While some of these best practices might seem like common sense, they are still often overlooked by real estate organizations. Hopefully, with this article, we have brought some awareness to the importance of cybersecurity in the real estate industry and the steps that should be taken to protect your organization. Real Estate Cybersecurity: Best Practices to Implement Right Now.

By now, most businesses understand the importance of cybersecurity. But what about real estate organizations? These entities face unique challenges when it comes to data security. In this post, we'll outline some best practices for real estate cybersecurity.

Most cyberattacks target small and medium-sized businesses because they usually have fewer resources dedicated to security than larger enterprises. Real estate firms are especially vulnerable because they handle large amounts of sensitive data, including personal information about clients and customers, financial records, and proprietary business information.

One of the best ways to protect your real estate organization from a cyberattack is to educate your employees about online threats and how to avoid them. Employees should know how to spot phishing emails, malicious websites, and other common attack vectors. They should also be aware of the importance of using strong passwords and keeping their computer software up to date.

Jay Mart
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