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How my neck pain is gone for ever

How my neck pain is gone for ever

If you are wondering where to have the best chiropractic in Dubai, well I will definitely recommend Novomed! They are really amazing! Very talented, well experienced, and highly organized.

I couldn’t believe that I will find this great chiropractor, and I will kiss my neck pain goodbye. He really helped me and gave me the best treatment I could ever get.

I was amazed by his talent to treat my neck smoothly, removing all the stress and reducing the pain. I am very grateful for the chiropractor and Novomed!

Now, let me tell you more about my case. I have been suffering from neck pain for a long time. Due to my work as a receptionist at a well-known hotel in Dubai, I had to be sitting in front of my computer to help customers check in and out of the hotel. I started to feel some stiffness in my neck a few years ago, but it was fading away when I slept. So I didn’t think it might be a big issue, until the day when I felt my neck stiff and I couldn’t move it. It was really an annoying feeling, especially since I will have to deal with the clients with this stiff neck. So I called my manager and asked him for sick leave because I wanted to go and check with my doctor.

I called my doctor immediately, booked my appointment with him on the same day, and went to Novomed Dubai where he is working. When I went into his clinic, he noticed my neck and he told me immediately it is “Tech Neck”. I didn’t understand what he meant, he explained to me that this case is called “Tech Neck” because it occurs due to working for long hours in front of the computer.

But, just to make sure, he asked me to do an X-ray of my neck, so I did it and got back to him. And he ensured me that my case is the Tech Neck, and it is treatable. I asked him here about the best treatment, he replied immediately “Chiropractic”.

And he called his colleague at Novomed, a Chiropractor, and asked him to pass by his clinic. The chiropractor came and my doctor showed him the X-ray and asked him to check my neck and decide if chiropractic is the best solution. He told him yes, and explained to me that he will be using his hands to treat my neck and reduce pain. No medications are needed, all I have to do is to commit to the sessions, and I will get the results I want.

And now, after 6 sessions, I feel much better, and have no more pain

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