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Why Use ReactJS: The Complete Guide to Building Your Next Website

Anvi Martin
Why Use ReactJS: The Complete Guide to Building Your Next Website

ReactJS has been all the rage in the JavaScript world over the past few years, with some of the most cutting-edge Web apps being developed.

And the credit goes to its flexibility and performance enhancements over previous generations of JavaScript frameworks.

Moreover, It’s used by big companies like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Airbnb, Yahoo!, and Dropbox to build their web interfaces, but what’s more important than these big names are the actual tools you get with ReactJS.

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is a front-end JavaScript library that helps developers build user interfaces and reusable UI components. Facebook created it, and they continue to maintain it. ReactJS works with a virtual DOM, which makes it superfast.

ReactJS Components

One of the best things about ReactJS is that everything in React is a component. That means you can break down complex UIs into small, bite-sized pieces that are easier to manage. And each component can be reused throughout your app.

This modularity also makes it easy to test individual components without worrying about affecting the rest of your app.

Distinguish Features of ReactJS

- The Virtual DOM

React generates a virtual DOM, in which it retains all the components. React updates the virtual DOM rather than the real one whenever a component changes. This makes React very fast because it does not have to update the entire page every time a component changes.


JSX is an extension to JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like syntax within your JavaScript code. JSX makes it easier to create complex UIs because it makes your code more readable.

- Components

As we mentioned before, everything in React is a component. That means you can break down complex UIs into small, bite-sized pieces that are easier to manage.

- React Router

React Router is a routing library for React apps. It allows you to define routes and map them to components. This makes it easy to create single-page apps with React because all you have to do is render the appropriate element for the route.

Also Read: Angular vs. React vs. Vue: Which One Is Right for You?

Why Use ReactJS?

You should use ReactJS for your next web project for many reasons. Here are just a few:

- Reusable Components

React’s modularity makes it easy to create reusable components. That means you can use the same component on multiple pages without duplicating code.


ReactJS is a great option for your next web project. It’s easy to use, has a lot of features, and is very fast. If you’re looking for a powerful JavaScript library to help you build your next website, ReactJS is a perfect choice.

Anvi Martin
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