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How Much Does It Cost to Paint & Repaint Kitchen Cabinets? | MGP Painting

MGP Painting
How Much Does It Cost to Paint & Repaint Kitchen Cabinets? | MGP Painting

The cost of painting kitchen cabinets has not increased much from the previous year, according to current industry norms. Professional kitchen cabinet painting costs range from $1700 to $3000 as a result. If you don't want to buy new furniture and instead want to give your old one a makeover, Another alternative is to repaint. Physically repainting kitchen cabinets might cost anything from $700 and $3,500. What are the Benefits of Using MGP Painting Services? Professional painters are usually educated, experienced, and licensed to provide high-quality painting services for your home. They will lead you through the entire process and provide advice and suggestions on painting designs, patterns, and much more. Finding a good painting contractor can take some effort, but once you've found the right one, painting your house can be a real treat. MGP Painting is a full-service, licensed painting company that provides the best exterior painting contractors in Orange County, NY to help you avoid any painting disasters. Most importantly, we are a committed group of people who genuinely care about our clients and work to complete tasks on time. We've built a reputation as one of the best residential and commercial painting contractors in the area, regularly providing top-notch interior and exterior painting services to homeowners and businesses. Contact us or call us at 888.456.7532 for additional information and professional assistance. visit us at https://www.mgppainting.com/kitchen-cabinets-painting-costs.

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Kitchen Cabinets Painting Costs In 2022- MGP Painting

ShareAre you tired of finding those paint peels on the floor every time you walk into your kitchen? It's probably that old paint falling from your kitchen cabinets. Don't worry; it happens a lot. Possible reasons can be:

a) Water leakage

b) Friction from loose hardware

c) Kitchen cabinet was not cleaned properly

d) The paint layer applied too thick

While this issue can be easily fixed by lightly sanding the chipped areas using a small piece of high-grit sandpaper, there is never enough you can do as these problems generally resurface every 3-5 years. A better way is to paint the cabinet doors with waterproof paints.

MGP Painting
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