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How to create a social media marketing strategy in 5 steps?

Being present as a company on social networks requires establishing a good strategy. Focus on the steps to follow to create an effective social media marketing strategy.

Today, brands are omnipresent on social networks. The majority of them have seized the power and effectiveness of social media to promote themselves, reach consumers and increase their sales. Nevertheless, when venturing into social media marketing, it is essential to have a clear path and a well-established strategy. For this, it is necessary to handle all the digital codes, something that is not necessarily obvious. Our web marketing agency reveals how to create an effective social media marketing strategy in just five steps.

5 steps to create an effective social media marketing strategy

Social media marketing has become an essential web marketing expertise for the proper development of a business. It requires perfect mastery of social networks, which are key tools for increasing your online presence. To take advantage of the potential they hold, you have to adopt the right reflexes and choose the levers adapted to your objectives.

Choose the right social networks

When developing your social media marketing strategy, you need to choose the right social networks. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat… A wide range is available to you. However, each of them is unique with its own style, its own codes and its own audience. So how do you choose the most suitable platform?

First, two questions need to be asked:

·        Where is my core target, that is to say the profiles to whom I plan to sell my products or services directly?

·        Where is my secondary target, who will influence my main target?

By identifying where each of your targets is, you can more easily target and reach them with effective advertising campaigns that will be in the right place at the right time. Depending on the answers you get to these two questions, you should focus on the most relevant media that will reach your targets.

Your selection should consider your goals and the formats your business can create. We must not neglect the investment that these social media will require of you, in which case you will risk wasting time and money. In case of budget limitation, it is better to focus on the two most suitable platforms.

Configure social media profiles

To use the different social media effectively, you need to adapt your content to each of them. Instagram is for example not optimized for horizontal images, a video on Twitter should not exceed two minutes and twenty… So many elements to take into account when you create your content. You will have to think about the format of the visuals, the number of characters allowed, the possibility or not of putting hypertext links and the duration of the videos you choose.

Download the Siècle Digital guides to learn about all the workings of:

·        YouTube ;

·        Instagram .

Reflect on its editorial strategy and marketing tone

The actions you put in place on social networks must be consistent with your values ​​and your brand image. For this reason, it is essential to think about your editorial strategy. Above all, it is necessary to set a framework and define a guideline to be adopted for each content that will be published. This allows you to establish your own e-reputation from the start.

Once your values, your ambitions and your image have been clearly drawn, you now have to think about the voice you want to adopt on social media. Is your brand fun, intellectual or more down to earth? The tone you decide to adopt must offer a coherent image of your company, because it is the first thing that will mark your visitors, your prospects and your customers.

Analyze your strategy to refine it

Once your social media marketing strategy is well established, it is essential to monitor its performance and analyze its impact in order to make the necessary improvements to optimize your ROI (Return on Investment). This requires determining key performance indicators (KPIs) from the outset of your strategy. You can then make adjustments and adapt to the continual evolution of social media.

Data visualization solutions are also real allies for analyzing and monitoring the actions implemented for your business. By turning to tools like Data Studio, you will be able to create a dashboard that will give you an overview of your strategy, the audience you have reached and the reach of your campaigns.

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Mo. No. - +91 9925838612

Address: Devdeep Commercial Centre, Nizampura Main Rd, Near Mehsana Nagar Circle, LG Nagar, Mahesana Nagar, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat 390002

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