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Questions to ask before hiring a Dental Website Company

Maaya Jones
Questions to ask before hiring a Dental Website Company

Your website is essentially a digital extension of your practice. It represents you in the online world and is responsible for the first impression your practice makes on prospective patients. Moreover, since 80 percent of people look up for dental services online, having a website is of utmost importance. It’s also a wonderful way of showcasing your services and letting people know about your practice. Having a quality website can also help you in building one-on-one relationships with your patients. However, designing a website is not an easy task. Hence, it is advisable to hire one of the leading dental website companies

What Questions to ask your Prospective Dental Website Companies?

However, even hiring a company is not a simple task. The end quality of your website will depend entirely on the kind of company you hire. It is important to ensure that they provide the right services and are capable of fulfilling your expectations. Conduct thorough research when approaching a dental website company. Read reviews online and also check their website. Apart from this, you need to ask certain questions to ensure that they are suited for you. The following are some questions that need to be answered before you finalize a deal: 

1.    What kind of past experience do you have? 

Conducting a background check is crucial. This will help you in understanding what kind of services they provide. Ask them about the kind of clients they have worked with previously. A company that is proud of the work they do does not hesitate to showcase their work on their website. Check if their website has their portfolio. Go through the websites they’ve created and see if that is the kind of website that you’d like to have. 

2.    Are you capable of providing customized websites? 

Since your website is your primary point of contact with prospective patients, it is important to ensure that it is unique and stands out. So inquire beforehand whether the company provides customized websites or just template ones. Of course, a template website would be less expensive but it would be nothing extraordinary. This might also tarnish your credibility and when it comes to the dental industry, credibility is important. 

3.    Do you possess any expertise in Site Optimization? 

Patients are attracted to well organize sites as it makes it much easier for them to navigate through it. Your dental website design company should be capable of organizing the content on your page without making it look crowded. Site optimization should be a priority when the site is being designed. Also ask them about the tools and resources they will use for optimizing your website. 

4.    Are you well informed about the dental industry? 

It is important to hire a company that truly understands the dental industry. Dental websites need to be professional yet engaging. This also stands true if you are investing in dental online marketing. Even a simple mistake can tamper with your reputation. Hence, hire a company that is aware of the types of dentists, types of procedures, the website designs that actually have a high ROI and knows how to network in the dental industry. 


Along with these questions, you can also ask them about the kind of reports they provide. Apart from that, if you have any personal preferences, make sure to ask them beforehand whether they are capable of fulfilling those expectations. Establishing such transparency in communication even before you finalize the deal will help you in the long run.

Maaya Jones
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