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Why Should You Choose Flutter Over Progressive Web App Development For Your Next App?

Gorge Holow
Why Should You Choose Flutter Over Progressive Web App Development For Your Next App?

The popularity of cross-platform is increasing daily, and a big part of that is due to the freedom it provides in terms of creating applications that can function across many platforms. It employs a solitary codebase that is afterwards exported to other smartphone platforms, enabling the one "app" to function across diverse environments. The advantages of cross-platform development for a business are numerous. They include low development costs, shorter development times due to only needing to code once, and increased uniformity across various operating systems, which gives users a seamless user experience, broad customer reach, quick deployment, increased exposure, high ROI, etc. 

Now we are going to take a close look at the features of two well-known and trending cross-platform frameworks: PWA and Flutter app development services, which are gaining popularity while also confusing users due to their similarities.

Nitty-gritty facts that make the two tech stacks apart: Flutter vs PWA

First Appearance

Flutter was first made available in May 2017 and stayed in beta form for a very long period before Google made its stable version available on September 16, 2020. Since its 2015 release, PWA has drawn developers' and business owners' attention with its superiority over native apps while maintaining the same browser-based experience.

The Preferred Language

For development, Flutter prefers to use the fully object-oriented Dart programming language, which has a C-based syntactic style and is simple to learn. In contrast, PWAs are web apps and don't have a set requirement for the programming language they must be written in. Still, the progressive web app development business uses a web-based language like JavaScript to create PWAs.

The buildup Necessity

The development of apps using Flutter requires less work. Hot reloading, a single codebase, and ready-made widgets greatly decrease development time & effort. PWAs, on the other hand, take a little longer than Flutter because of the conversion of its single codebase into Android- and iOS-specific versions.

Complexity Level

Due to Flutter's recent development and maturation, everything from the user interface to the logic code may seem complex. Despite JavaScript being more established and sophisticated, learning and creating in it is simple because there are so many JavaScript libraries and frameworks to pick from.

Performance Stratum

Performance-wise Flutter uses a rendering engine, making it faster than native apps. Performance differences between PWAs are extremely subtle. When compared to Flutter, it falls short a little bit because it uses web DOM and needs a browser to implement.


Which framework best meets your goals and development requirements will determine whether you choose a PWA or Flutter web app development services. When it comes to PWA or flutter app development services, Clavax Technologies a top-rated progressive web app development company is more adept at maximizing the potential of each tech stack. When working with us, businesses can efficiently test PWAs and Flutter applications at scale. Additionally, you can benefit from our PWA and Flutter app development services.

Gorge Holow
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