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IRS: A Career to Choose or Not

Elite IAS Academy
IRS: A Career to Choose or Not

Indian Revenue Service Officers, IRS full form, are diplomats who the Indian government hires at the recommendation of

the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Their job is to help make

decisions about domestic direct tax policy.

In addition to this, they have also been employed in the office of the Prime Minister as well

as the headquarters of the Ministry of Health Affairs. Furthermore, the

Internal Revenue Service officers are not only in charge of the

Regional Income Tax Offices in the nation. But they also temporarily

occupy posts in the President’s Secretariat and several ministries.

The Indian Revenue Service Officer’s progression through the various career tracks

Third secretary: As a third secretary, one is expected to help organize trips made by

Revenue representatives to India and the Indian Foreign Tax and Tax

Research Division. In addition, the third secretary is responsible for

maintaining contact with the delegates. Finally, to ensure that

appropriate follow-up activities are taken, it is their responsibility

to monitor and report on the results of meetings, or other events in the

areas that fall within their jurisdiction.

Second secretary: Those who hold the position of the second secretary is given a role in one of

the few divisions. It can be political, economic, or cultural

divisions, and are expected to learn administrative duties from their

superiors. They are responsible for gathering pertinent information and

maintaining contact with the MEA in India.

First secretary: In their role as the first secretary, they are also accountable for

supervising the government’s department in charge of money collection.

An Internal Revenue Service Officer is in charge of managing workers to

ensure that any money owing to the government on whatever level (state,

central, or regional) is billed and received accurately and on time.

They are obligated to frequently communicate with the host government at

suitable levels. It can be for both projects and support for the

Government of India’s views on various international topics of

fundamental significance to our interests.

Counsellor: Seniors’ personal special advisor, a Counselor is a Secretary-level

principle official. They also act as an advisor on serious Revenue

policy problems and gives guidelines and alternatives to the precise

bureaus with reverence to such matters. In addition, a Counselor is

responsible for serving as a liaison between the seniors and the

accurate bureaus regarding such issues.

High commissioner: Ambassadors are the official representatives of the Indian government.

They act on behalf of the president in international treaty

negotiations, immigration talks, revenue assistance project discussions,

and humanitarian aid program conversations. The creation and execution

of policies regarding Goods and Services Tax, the prevention of

smuggling, and the administration of problems about Customs and

Narcotics are all responsibilities that fall within the purview of


When all of the perks and allowances are considered, the annual and monthly compensation with the IRS is close to 60,000.

However, this compensation might change depending on where the applicant

is posted. For example, suppose the successful candidate is assigned to

work in a country with high revenue. In that case, they might be

eligible for a salary of 2.40 lakhs in addition to a special revenue

allowance. This should provide insight into whether a job with the

Internal Revenue Service would suit you.


Reference Link(OriginallyPosted” https://eliteias.medium.com/irs-a-career-to-choose-or-not-c20b7df3404c









Elite IAS Academy
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