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Most Common Problems with Door Locks

Most Common Problems with Door Locks

Door locks are something that, if we're being honest, we don't really think about. We use them to safeguard our homes and goods, and turning the key in the lock is practically an automatic reaction when we leave the house.

In essence, door locks are only considered when something goes wrong, and we mean seriously wrong.

We work with all lock kinds, makes, models, and brands at Desert Locksmith to ensure that we get your locks back on track so you can focus on the important things.

The most common lock issues and how to fix them are explained here.

Stuck or broken key

Your key may be stuck because the door latch is misaligned or some of the lock's components aren't properly oiled. Forcing a jammed key to turn may result in the key breaking inside the lock.

We understand that you are pressed for time and must keep an appointment. If the key is jammed in the lock, however, do not push it to open or close; you may end up exacerbating the problem.

Our licensed locksmith can assist you in removing the key and repairing the locks.

Slow-acting doorknobs

The accumulation of dirt or grime in your locks might cause stiffened or delayed door locks. If you find that your lock's handle is slow or that inserting the key into the lock is problematic. You can do it yourself by removing the dirt with a cotton swab inserted into the lock.

If the lock isn't sufficiently lubricated, use a graphite or silicone spray instead of oil or grease, which can clog during the winter.

The door latch is misaligned

It will be difficult to close or lock your door effectively if the door latch does not catch the strike plate. This issue can arise from time to time and is caused by improperly placed or bolted hinges, moist conditions, or excessive heat.

To solve, you must first identify the misalignment and then adjust the strike plates and tighten the door hinges using the appropriate equipment. If it can't be repaired or you don't have the tools or capacity to do it yourself, contact the professionals for the best locksmith service

Although the key spins, it does not lock

The key turning in the lock without pushing the knobs could be caused by small damaged or fallen pieces. It is a mechanical issue that should be addressed by someone familiar with door mechanisms.

If, on the other hand, the key refuses to spin while being inserted into the locks, lubricate the keyhole with graphite.

The door mechanism is broken

The majority of door issues are mechanical, and they deteriorate over time and wear. Excessive use of old locks can cause them to fail, and non-maintenance can also cause them to fail.

As a result, mechanical lock problems should be left to professionals; it's not even worth attempting a DIY solution if you don't understand how locks work.

Desert Locksmith uses non-destructive methods to repair door lock issues, and our local trust locksmith will make sure the locks are in good working order before leaving your property.

Wrapping up 

So these were the common problems one might have with door locks. If you are unable to solve them with these simple tricks easily, then don't do it yourself and contact a licensed locksmith from your area. 

If you are not sure about a locksmith and have not read about their reviews, then avoid trusting them with your security. 

Desert Locksmith is a team of the best certified locksmiths with experience with all complicated and easy lock matters. You can rely on them for any of your lock or security problems. 

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