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4 Things You Should Never Add to a Baby Gift Box

Arthur Lawson
4 Things You Should Never Add to a Baby Gift Box

If you plan to buy baby gifts online, there are things you need to consider to ensure the recipient will have some use for whatever you intend to give. Aside from learning about the recommended presents to send new parents, here are four things you should never consider giving them. Continue reading this article for more information.

1. Items With Small Components

Never consider adding items with small parts to your baby gift box. Remember that babies aren’t aware of the dangers these things possess. In worst situations, tiny components can end up in their throats, causing them to choke and die. Therefore, avoid purchasing the following items:

  • Necklaces
  • Toys with small pieces, such as Lego
  • Puzzles

2. Expiring Gift Cards

Since babies have no sense of independence, parents have to pay full attention to ensure nothing harmful happens to their newborns. Therefore, your baby gift basket shouldn’t contain vouchers to fancy restaurants expiring within the next couple of weeks or months.

Remember that parents cannot leave their babies during the first few months. At the very least, your present should have an expiration date that is due six months up to a year.

3. Secondhand Items

Unless you have 100% certainty that your secondhand items are in good condition and have no stains or dirt, refrain from adding these things to your baby box in Singapore. Additionally, you should check if the parents are alright with it. Otherwise, you might offend them.

4. Items That Others Gave You

Although it is not unusual to receive a baby gift box that you do not need, you shouldn’t consider sending them to another family. Consider the possibility of the sender seeing you giving away their present. It would be rude and can affect your relationship if they witness it.

Now that you know about the things you shouldn’t give to a newborn. Check out Pineapple and see their various baby gift basket options.



Arthur Lawson
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