AI Products 

A franchise is the right to sell a product, service, or service. From a legal point of view, a franchise is a contract in which one party has the right to use and / or use the intellectual property rights of the other party. Simply put, a franchise gives an individual or company the right to do business in a particular area of ​​the world, based on certain terms and contracts, using a brand, name, system, or process. make. ..

Franchise Business franchise has long been known in Indonesia. Franchise business in Indonesia is often seen as a shortcut for those who want to become an entrepreneur quickly without sufficient knowledge. For this reason, he prefers to buy and sell someone else's finished product and its brand. Franchises are preferred abroad because they are surely accepted by the community and have a clearer system with more prestigious brands.

Franchise Fees The initial cost of a

franchise is between 10 million and 1 billion. This fee is used to create a place of business by meeting the requirements of the product owner and the cost of using the IPR. The franchisor pays the brand owner a license fee each month. These royalties range from 5 to 15% of total income. By default, this usage fee is 10%.

Franchise tips

1. Avoid choosing unclear brands, not to mention the unfamiliar ones. However, we also do not recommend choosing a brand that is already well known. This is usually because there are too many stores and competition is narrowed. In addition, brands that are too well known usually demand franchise prices that are too high.


Use of Domestic Trademarks

There are already various well-known and promising trademarks in this country. You don't have to spend money just to get a foreign brand. Not to mention if the brand does not yet have a name and popularity in Indonesia. This complicates the start of your business. The

franchise is an example of a less labor-intensive business. The whole concept is already in place and all you have to do is adapt to existing standards. Simply select the right product to keep your business running smoothly according to the needs of the market. Don't forget to record your financial flow in the BukuKas application as well. This application provides the best understanding of small business accounting at the professional level for both beginners and business people as it provides a variety of advanced features to manage a company or a company's financial needs very well. .. https://rebrand.ly/segar4dpro https://bit.ly/3PaCEoM

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