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Boost Your Skincare Game with a HydraFacial

Beauty Fairy Clinic
Boost Your Skincare Game with a HydraFacial

The beauty industry has made skincare a main focus in recent years. However, even before this spotlight, a lot of people already understood how important it was to have healthy skin. If you want to improve your skins texture, look, and tone, a Hydrafacial is the perfect way to achieve this.  

What is a HydraFacial? 

This is a non-invasive facial treatment that is aimed at transforming your skin. The specialists at our clinic will be able to extract impurities, deep clean, and exfoliate your face using innovative suction technology. A Hydrafacial has 4 main steps.  

#1. A gentle cleanse and exfoliation with scrubs and soothing cleansers is applied. This is aimed at getting rid of all the dead skin cells lingering on your face. It also gets rid of excess sebum, makeup, and dirt residue left on the face.  

#2. Next is to use our gentle suction method in order to remove more dirt and impurities from deep in your pores. For blackhead sufferers, this will clear them up and not damage your skin.  

#3. After is a gentle acid peel that help with texture and discolouration on the skins surface. This exfoliating step will brighten the skin and give you a youthful glow.

#4. In this step, hyaluronic acids and antioxidant serums are applied to the surface to reduce irritation, smooth complexion, and brighten the skin.

Read More: https://www.beautyfairy.ca/blog/boost-your-skincare-game-with-a-hydrafacial/  

How We Can Help 

If you want to get a HydraFacial in Richmond Hill, give our clinic a call today to book your appointment! You can also learn more about our services on our website!  

Beauty Fairy Clinic
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