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CreativEdge Learning
Primary 4 English Class

Creativedge Learning's primary 4 english class helps your child to master all the grammatical and vocabulary skills and excel in the English exam.

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The Programme

The Primary 4 English programme helps your child to master the grammatical and vocabulary skills. Your child learns to apply the skills to language tasks with precision. Your child also learns to be an expressive writer with a strong understanding of a logical storyline.

Learning Outcomes

Our English tuition programmes for primary 4 students in Singapore seek to achieve the following learning outcomes :

Grammar and Vocabulary

Pupils will learn the grammatical syllabus, grammatical rules and thematic vocabulary.

Pupils will learn the rules of sentence synthesis.

Pupils will learn to identify keywords and independently evaluate their answers.

Cloze and Comprehension

Read and understand a passage.

Learn to identify the keywords in the passage.

Learn to identify the different types of comprehension questions.

Learn the answering techniques for the different types of comprehension questions.


Pupils will learn how to create a storyline with greater depth.

Pupils will learn to identify story ideas in newspaper articles.

Learn how to plan a story with a logical flow and sequencing.

Pupils will learn to systematically describe and write each part of the story.

Learn to use an increased range of vocabulary words to vividly write a story.

Learn how to apply the writing skills in an exam.

"Previously Alethea would focus more on writing creatively hence she would write whatever that came to mind. After enrolling Alethea in the programme, I noticed that she is able to more fully capture the theme of the story so as to fulfil the exam requirements. Her story content has also became more substantial and the wider knowledge of vocabulary words as well as the writing techniques taught have further aided her in improving her writing too."

CreativEdge Learning
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