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How To Setup Airport Time Capsule?

Elena Collins

Apple routers are undoubtedly one of the best routers available in the market. It is best suited for iOS devices. You can also connect and utilize Airport services in Android devices. Apple airport base stations can help you set up a Wi-Fi access point with proper security. First, connect your device to the airport base station to setup Apple airport utility download. You can set up, manage and update your router using Apple Airport utility Mac. Another feature if Apple Airport is time capsule which helps you back up date. Here we will see the steps for Airport time capsule setup. Before downloading the time capsule and setting it up, you do

require to download Airport utility app. First, connect your device to the base station. Now, let’s see how to download Airport utility for Apple Airport time capsule setup. Go to the settings on your device. Click on the Wi-Fi option. Now, click on the info button which should be there beside the network name. Click on manage this network. Now, click ok to open the Apple Store on your device. There you can download the Apple utility. Check the version before you install it, the device should be compatible with the version you are downloading.

Now, let’s have a look at how to setup Airport time capsule. Follow the steps mentioned below.

Steps to setup Time Capsule:

  •  You would require verifying your credentials before setting it up.
  •  Go to the Airport utility and look for utilities folder under applications.
  •  Then, select your time capsule from the list of available devices and click on continue.
  •  Thereafter, you can simply follow the on-screen instructions to set up the time capsule.

Sometimes you see the blinking yellow light if the Airport base station has been reset. If the light is blinking yellow, you will be unable to connect to the internet the yellow light can mean that the cable modem of the Airport device is unplugged. Let’s see how to fix Airport extreme blinking yellow. It is caused due to some error and the devices lose internet connectivity.

Steps to resolve blinking yellow light:

 Switch on your Mac and make sure it is connected to the Airport.

 Now, click on the Wi-Fi icon.

 Then, open the Airport utility application.

 Check the name of the base station.

 Follow the onscreen process to setup the network properly.

When you follow the steps mentioned above, the router will search for a base station and connect to it to have access to internet.


Elena Collins
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