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How to restore the marble that has been deteriorated by acid cleaners?

Floorzy Makeover
How to restore the marble that has been deteriorated by acid cleaners?

Are you the one searching for “floor polishing services near me?” Then this article is for you. 

We all want shiny and neat floors for our homes, offices, or any other required area. But sometimes it is deteriorated by the acids we use for cleaning. If we clean our floors for a long time with an acid cleaner, it is highly probable that it will wear off. 

 Maintaining your Italian marble floors can often be a daunting task and definitely not an easy one. But we can crack it up with certain tricks and tweaks. Let us find out how:

Acid stains can include battery acid stains or toilet bowl cleaner that can be difficult to remove, but definitely not impossible. There are many ill effects that we can see with the excess usage of acid cleaners:

  •  Dullness: With excess usage of chemicals for floor cleaning, you may make your floor dull and lose its shine. The floor will look older before its time and it might affect your floor appearance.
  • Stains: With the use of acid cleaners, your floors can also get stained and leave patches all over. The uneven floor will make your place look less presentable.
  • Cracks: With the excess use of acid cleaners, the floor starts to degrade and deteriorate resulting in cracks. The acid results in the erosion of the upper layer that results in cracks in the floor as well. 
  • Scratches: With the use of acid cleaners for a long time, you can see the floor becoming rough and it may result in scratches as well.

Read more: https://floorzy.in/how-to-restore-the-marble-that-has-been-deteriorated-by-acid-cleaners/

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