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5 Reasons to Propose with a Antique Engagement Ring

Eric Originals & Antiques Ltd
5 Reasons to Propose with a Antique Engagement Ring

It can be that magical time, emotional, joyful and scary. Yes, it's time to propose. If you're thinking about buying an engagement ring for that special someone, you may be overwhelmed by the number of options.

There are endless designs, cuts, settings and gemstones when it comes to engagement rings. Deciding which one is right for your significant other can be tricky. Decisions such as the type of metal and whether the ring is ornate or plain depend primarily on your personal preferences and style, as well as the preferences of your partner.

Once you've found a ring style they'll love for a lifetime, there's one more question to answer: new or vintage? As with most decisions in choosing an engagement ring, it comes down to personal preference. However, you may be surprised to find some unique benefits of buying an antique engagement ring. Here are just a few of them.

Antique Rings Are Unique

There is something special about wearing an engagement ring like no other. It may feel like it was chosen for you. It is a symbol of your love and loyalty - not anyone else's. You are people with your own personalities and you both do things in your own way.

When you buy a new ring from one of the tens of thousands of jewelry stores in America, you can be sure that someone else (or everyone else) has the same ring. However, your relationship as a couple and spouse is unique, and so should your ring.

Before the days of jewelry chains, engagement rings were works of art in miniature. Each one is lovingly crafted by a skilled jeweler, a special creation brought to life by the artist's imagination. An antique engagement ring can be a one-of-a-kind piece of vintage jewelry for both of you.

Antique Rings Make Great Heirlooms

When you choose an engagement ring, you are choosing jewelry that will be in your family for generations. Your loved ones will wear it for the rest of their lives and then pass it on to your children or other loved ones.

Couples opting for vintage rings is becoming increasingly popular, thanks in part to Prince William proposing to Kate Middleton with her mother's stunning diamond and sapphire engagement ring. You don't have to be royalty to repeat this tradition in your family. Find a beautiful and unique antique engagement ring to keep in your family for a lifetime.

Antique Rings Have a History

Engagement rings are not pretty; They often have a fascinating history. Imagine who has worn your ring in the past, where it has been, and what historical events it may have witnessed.

Every vintage ring has a story. When you buy one, you buy a piece of history. Those who made it and loved it made their mark on the earth years before you or your partner. When you buy an antique ring, you know that it has survived the times of social change, tides and world events, and constantly evolving styles.

At The Three Graces, we offer a wide variety of antique diamond rings. Flawless diamonds, no-questions-asked returns and free worldwide shipping are just a few reasons to choose The Three Graces when you're ready to buy an engagement ring for the person you love the most.

With a Vintage Ring of Quality And Value

Have you ever been amazed at the difference between an everyday item of your parents' or grandparents' generation and something you bought yesterday? Awed by the weight, finesse or detail of a vintage item? Even a simple car bolt or nut is very different from today's vehicles to a vintage car. The same can be said for jewelry. Often comparing two rings, one from 75 years ago and one from today is night and day in terms of overall quality, design and workmanship.

Also, an insider tip from many jewelers and professionals is that during economic downturns, vintage and antique jewelry holds its value much higher than mass-produced cookie-cutter jewelry. While there are always exceptions, it's good to know what your life choices are worth beyond feelings.

Antique Rings Clash Diamonds Free

Clash diamonds are less common now than they used to be when it comes to new or contemporary jewelry. However, many engagement rings for sale online and in local stores may still have ethical concerns regarding their gemstone or diamond mining, precious metal sourcing, or manufacturing.

The last thing you want is for your love symbol to carry the extra burden of a fight. By choosing an improved one, you're not supporting an industry that still has ethical concerns. There's a whole world of antique rings that don't threaten your ethics.

Antique Rings Are Earth Friendly

There isn't a blog you read or a headline that confronts you that doesn't address the dangers to Earth and all of us and the face of our great blue planet. Buying something pre-owned that has essentially been recycled creates a further comfort in your ethically sound decision-making.

Considering something already made reduces the burden on our already taxed mother earth. Your choice of ring can go a step further and be used in a more elegant, meaningful and thoughtful way.

Eric Originals & Antiques Ltd
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