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Process Of Setting Up And Logging Into Verizon FiOS Router

Mark Watson
Process Of Setting Up And Logging Into Verizon FiOS Router

The router manufacturing company Verizon is known for their reliable services. Verizon routers provide strong LTE connections. You can setup the Verizon router to provide internet access to your home network. Before you can connect your devices to the router, you are required to setup the router. There are a few things you must do before Verizon router log in. Let’s have a look at them first.

Steps to setup Verizon router:

·      First you have to place the router at an optimal place on a smooth surface. It should not be hindered with other electronic appliances.

·      Then, connect the router and the modem through an Ethernet cable.

·      Take an Ethernet cable and connect your Verizon router to and internet device like computer.

Now, let’s have a look at the steps on how to login to your Verizon router. You need to access the login page to manage the internet and router settings. Follow the steps described below.

Steps to login to Verizon router:

Note down the router’s SSID and password from the user’s guide or at the back of the router.

·      Open the web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and type ‘’

·      Press Enter and you would be directed to the router’s login page.

·      Enter, Verizon default router login to go to settings.

·      The default username and password are as follows- username: admin, password: admin.

·      Press, continue and you can modify the settings, change password and username from here.

·      Then, click on apply to save the settings.

Let’s see how to establish wireless connection through WPS button. You must be wondering, where is the WPS button on my Verizon router. There is a WPS button on Verizon router. WPS stands for Wi-Fi protected setup. You can enable the WPS settings and connect your internet devices to your router.

Steps to enable WPS method:

·      Go to the router configuration menu.

·      Click on the wireless settings.

·      Then, click on basic security settings.

·      Here you will see the option, turn wireless on/off

·      Click on the on button.

·      Click on apply to save the changes.

Thereafter, you can simply press the WPS button on the router and the device. The device will detect each other and establish a connection.

The above mentioned process and steps describes how to install Verizon FiOS router. You can refer to the instructions manual you must have received while purchasing the router. You have all the instructions and details required for logging into a router.

You must have noticed the tiny lights on your router. These LED light are helpful in knowing the status of your router. If the lights are solid, it indicates that the router is working smoothly without any error. If you see, Verizon FiOS router blinking white. It indicates that the router us booting. There can be a malfunction in the router due to which it is rebooting itself. If your face any connectivity issues and the devices have no access to the internet. You can perform the power cycle and reboot the router yourself. Detach the cables and wires connected to the router and wait for a few seconds to give your device some rest. Then, plug them back in and the connectivity of the router should be restored. 

Mark Watson
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