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New Construction: Ideas for Landscaping

El-Alan Construction Company
New Construction: Ideas for Landscaping

Landscaping can be a challenging thing during the construction of new homes. Personal taste, available resources, topography, and soil types can affect your landscape.

There’s no doubt that landscaping may play a massive role in how buyers feel about your homes. Here, in this blog, we have covered a few landscaping ideas for new-construction homes you can consider.

Amend the topsoil

The big challenge when we speak about landscaping around the new construction is to deal with the aftermath of new construction. Soil replacement, compacting, grading, and digging destroy or damage native topsoil. It can also make growing a lush lawn quite challenging. One way to address this problem is to amend the topsoil.

Watering helps

New landscapes often require more water than established landscapes. It helps them to survive. So for the first few months after installing new landscapes, you and your buyers may need a steady supply of water that can help root systems establish themselves.

Plant native trees

Correctly placing native trees can help increase the property value, providing shade to protect plants and grasses, and reducing energy costs. Additionally, planting native trees can help address the issues brought about by drought. It is essential in the areas like the West and South, where lack of water and boom in demand may create problems for new construction buyers.

Giving buyers what they want

A robust and workable landscape is essential for many buyers. You can position your buyers for third-party validation, referrals, and future success by taking steps to give them what they are looking for.

Consider xeriscaping

Xeriscaping uses drought-tolerant native pollinators, grasses, and shrubs instead of grass. Plants like sages, milkweeds, and succulents may add color and attract pollinators like hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.

If you want your home to be full of landscaping, then now is the right time to plan for it. Talk to your construction company and come up with ideas.

For the best construction company in Nigeria, contact Elalan today!

El-Alan Construction Company
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