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What Is Dental Filling?

The Dental Home
What Is Dental Filling?

Fillings are also used to repair cracked or broken teeth, teeth decayed due to caries, and teeth that have been worn down from misuse (such as from nail-biting or tooth-grinding).

Dental fillings are used to repair cracked or broken teeth decayed tooth or worn-down teeth. It restores the teeth to function normally and provides a natural look to the tooth. Several dental materials are used available and used for dental fillings like gold, porcelain, silver amalgam (includes mercury mixed with silver, tin, zinc, and copper), tooth coloured, plastics and materials called composite resin fillings.

Dental fillings treat bacterial infections inside the mouth due to decayed teeth and also help in preventing further decay by closing off the spaces. Cleaning your teeth twice a day and intake a wide variety of nutritious foods can help to prevent tooth decay and avoid the need for fillings. Oral hygiene must be a high priority to avoid any kind of damage to teeth. Routine dental check-ups will make sure to treat the problem early.

How Do I Know if I Need a Filling?

A dental check-up will help you in understanding the severity of the dental conditions and problems. The Dentist is the right person to evaluate when, and how a cavity needs to be filled depending on the severity and location of the problem area. The dentist uses a small mirror to examine the surface of each tooth and identifies the abnormal tooth along with other special equipment or instruments. Sometimes even X-Rays are taken for the entire mouth or a section of it to diagnose in detail. The type of treatment is recommended by the dentist depending on the extent of damage caused by decay.

Types of Dental Fillings

The location and extent of the decay, cost of filling material, and your dentist’s recommendation support in determining the type of filling best for you.

Composite Resins

Composite Resins are one of the best fillings and are also aesthetically more appealing. They are robust and durable. The major benefit is that they are chemically bond to the tooth structure, providing additional support and decreases the marginal gap. These fillings merge with the natural tooth surface. Though they are bit expensive than amalgam as well as difficult to apply.


GIC Fillings

Glass Ionomer Cements (GIC) fillings have a wide range of compositions but the chief constituents are alumina, silica and calcium. Glass ionomer has athe bility to store and release a small amount of fluoride such as fluorite which offers protection against tooth decay. Other minerals are also added into GIC to boost demineralisation and prevent acidification. They are mostly used in the front surface due to its white appearance which adds charm to your smile. The combination of GIC with resin adds extra strength and reduces the sensitivity on the placement. GICs absorbs water over time and less susceptible to failure.


Amalgam Dental Fillings

Amalgam are the cheapest dental fillings and rapidly applied. Amalgam (silver) dental fillings are resistant to wear. They are most durable and can lasts nearly 10 to 15 years. However, they offer a number of disadvantages. Due to its dark colour, they cannot be applied in the front rows of the teeth. Moreover, the most concerning is the its toxic nature from exposure to mercury or when a person might habitually grind their teeth. They are temperature sensitive and makes it more prone to fracture and can damage the neighbouring tooth due to its expansion and contraction points. We, at Dental Home, does not provide this filling.


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What Is Dental Filling?

The Dental Home
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