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10 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Truck Rental Company

Agg Connect
10 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Truck Rental Company

Moving physical goods or things is a tedious process. This is where you have to avail services of a truck rental company. But there are some serious questions to ask before hiring a truck rental company, and you will get to know more about it further down this article. Agg Connect is the best trucking company in Indianapolis and offers a suite of truck rental services.

There are chances of unfair charges and a communication gap between the broker and the carrier, which can be a bad apple. Asking questions is not a bad thing, as it is your precious goods that are being transported. So we have listed some of the topmost questions to ask before hiring a truck rental company. So here we go:

List Of Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Truck Rental Company:

1. Is this truck rental company licensed?

This is the most important question to ask when you are availing of the services of a truck rental company. When you have to transport goods from one place to another, there are some crucial legislative rules that must be followed by the truck rental company you are hiring. Every state will have its own rules and legislations, so when you have to transport goods from one state to another, then it is important if they have valid licenses. This helps in protecting both the truck rental company and the customer.

2. Are you a Broker or a Carrier?

With the digital revolution, the trucking industry is witnessing changes in its operations. Some brokers have partnered with different fleet owners, contractors, and haulers to provide transportation services. Then there are Carriers who are standalone companies and have an in-house for delivering the services. Working with a broker will lower prices as many partners will be bidding for the project. You can select the size of the vehicle and the price online. Agg Connect, which is the best trucking company in Indianapolis, works on a hybrid broker/carrier model and has partnered with valid credentials.

3. What are the Coverage Options?

When the goods are in transit, there are chances of damages, missing goods, or damage through accidents. So you have to check if the company offers insurance cover so that your goods are insured, and you can claim for the damages if any. Almost all truck rental companies offer basic Liability Insurance Coverage, but you have to check and probe for other insurance options as well.

4. What services does your truck rental company offer?

Truck rental companies offer a suite of services, and this is one of the questions to ask before hiring a truck rental company. When you have your goods ready, they will have to be loaded in the selected vehicle. So you have to probe if the company provides loading and unloading services. There are many other things like crating and packing that companies offer. So if your goods need to be custom created, then you have to check with the truck rental company.

5. Is the estimate all-inclusive?

There are chances of the company you have hired raising the moving cost on a moving day. So it is better advised to check with the company if it is all-inclusive. If you don’t check, then you might bear the extra burden of spending more than what was provided. Not all companies, but some companies might scam you by raising the moving cost. Agg Connect provides customers with binding estimates that are all-inclusive, and that is the reason why it is the best trucking company in Indianapolis.

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