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Refrigeration Air dryers Manufacturers

Frank Compressor
Refrigeration Air dryers Manufacturers

We are one of the leading Refrigeration Air Dryers Manufacturers with an ISO 9001:2008 certified company with a sound infrastructure facility. It has emerged as one of the best manufacturing companies in India that offer a comprehensive range of products like centrifugal compressors and screw air compressors, air receivers & dryers, etc. The Refrigeration Air Dryers Manufacturers is a necessary part of your refrigeration system. When installed correctly and regularly, this equipment will help ensure your products are always at their best. With our vast range of options, there’s sure to be something that fits your needs. 

Our Refrigeration Air Dryers or Nippy Dryer system is designed and manufactured using the latest technology, making it more efficient and reliable. This machine can be used in many industries such as Food, Pharma, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Textile and garments, Agriculture, etc. It has a capacity of up to 50 tons per hour for applications with dry air requirements of up to 400 psig (2 bar). The dryer is used not only for de-ionizing compressed air but also in various other applications where dew point control is required, such as paint drying chambers.

Refrigeration Air dryers features:

Features of a Refrigeration Air Dryers Manufacturers: include an

  • The Refrigeration compressed air dryer is an air-cooling device that uses the heat generated by a compressor to remove moisture from compressed air.
  • The compressed refrigerant evaporates in this process, thus cooling down the gas to condense any water vapor and leaving behind only dry clean gas.
  • An accumulator tank holds liquid nitrogen (LN2), which passes through coils inside the unit. At the same time, they get cooled down by carbon dioxide (CO2).
  • Because LN2 is non-toxic and relatively cheap compared with other gases like CO2 or Argon at room temperature, LN2 can be stored safely in tanks within buildings rather than outdoors as required for flammable gases like CO2.
  • However, care must still be taken when handling these materials because of their low temperatures (-196°C). Once inside each coil, there will always be some heat left over from previous cycles, so we run our compressors until all that remains is cold LN2 instead of just hot CO2 when draining them after use.
  • Refrigeration Air dryers Manufacturer is a machine with a capacity of 10 to 100 tons, powered by 7.5 to 30 kW, and working pressure of 0.5-4 MPa is suitable for refrigeration compressed air production.

Frank Compressor
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