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Why Your Content Writing May Not Be Generating Leads For Your Business!

TYC Communication
Why Your Content Writing May Not Be Generating Leads For Your Business!

Content writing may seem like an easy task to you. But it's not as simple as it looks; there's a high chance if you're committing these mistakes, you'll scare your customers away instead of generating leads for your business. Are you hiring the best content writing services or cheapening them out? Irrespective of the answer, your content writing is not doing wonders for your business so let's talk about what you could be doing wrong and how you can improve.


Your website is unappealing.

An unappealing design is the biggest turn-off for anyone going through your content and website. You need to have a clear, concise layout, easy to navigate and look good. It might also be that your layout and design are simply trying to do too much or look too fancy. Keep it straightforward!


Where is your Contact us button?

The more friction between someone is reading and trying to contact you, the fewer chances of it happening. The reader should be able to get you for your services as they read your content; make sure to create a straightforward automated system to simplify the process.


You're not solving a problem.

Ask yourself this, is your content solving a problem? Your reader needs to be impressed with what you're putting out, or they'll simply move on. It needs to solve something; it needs to be personal. There must be something your product/service is doing differently; double down on that. If you don't know, asking your customer is an excellent way through which you could put out better content for them as well as increase customer interaction.


You're putting out harmful content.

Extensive research and originality are essential when writing a blog or article for your website. It needs to be unique and different; you have to understand you're not the only one doing this. What's also of significance is that you're choosing trendy and exciting topics to write content about. This may seem obvious, but many writers, despite knowing it, choose to ignore and continue to write the generic stuff everybody writes.

You must be selecting the best content writing services possible and not cheapening out. If you have a regional version for your website, you might even need to change your translation company; luckily – it's not hard; just search for the best language translation agency in delhi (or wherever you are) on Google, and you will find one.


You’re not utilising SEO

You need to pick SEO keywords very carefully; it needs to be correctly researched and shortlisted. It's best to leave this to a professional if you've not seen any success in the past few weeks or months. Many companies underestimate SEO and what it can do for their website, don't be like them.



There could be various reasons your content writing isn't generating leads; we have talked about many of them today. From bad designs to bad writing, you might even have to hire that language translation agency in Delhi. Whatever it may be, we hope you now know what's causing the problem.

TYC Communication
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